One would then use the horizontal aux bus faders located below the gain control on the track channel strip to adjust the send levels to each aux bus. For example, you could have one aux bus set up with a reverb plug-in, another with a delay plug-in and a third with some sort of modulation effect. Even if you manage to fill up all 10 slots, you can keep adding plug-ins indefinitely, but to view or edit plug-ins beyond the 10th one you will need to right-click on the top header marked Plug-Ins to open the Plug-in Manager.Īll audio and instrument tracks have dedicated effects sends which can send simultaneously to multiple aux buses. They can also be hidden or revealed by clicking the adjacent arrow at the far left of the mixer. By default, each aux bus strip has 10 visible plug-in slots, but can be toggled to show just four of them by clicking the ‘-’ or ‘+’ at the top left.

The Great AuxĪux buses are used to host your send-effect plug-ins. There are other settings in this window, too, but I will discuss those in another article. This configuration can be saved as a preset, or you can load existing presets. These will then be appended to the mixer and the arrange page (VIP). Click the ‘+’ or type a number in the text field to specify how many buses you want to add (Screen 1 above). You can add aux or submix buses (and indeed audio and instrument tracks) to the mixer by clicking on the Setup button at the top right-hand corner of the mixer. In fact, there are three other track/channel types: aux buses, submix buses and VCA fader channels. Like most DAWs, Samplitude has other track types besides standard audio and instrument tracks. Samplitude Pro X2’s aux buses, submix buses and VCAs add up to a powerful and flexible routing system.

Screen 1: New buses and tracks can be added from the Mixer Setup dialogue.